Introduction to sending adobe form as email
* There are 4 classes used to send adobe form as an email.
1. CL_BCS: It is used for creating the sending request, sending the document, adding the recipient etc.
2. CL_DOCUMENT_BCS: It is used to create the document and adding attachment etc.
3. CL_SAPUSER_BCS: It is used to create SAP users.
4. CL_CAM_ADDRESS_BCS: It is used to create external recipients.
* There are various step to send adobe form as email.
1. Get the PDF content of adobe form.
2. Convert the PDF from rawstring to binary format.
3. Create send request.
4. Create SAP user/external user.
5. Add the recipient.
6. Create document.
7. Add attachment.
8. Set the document.
9. Activate/deactivate immediate sending.
10. Send.
11. Commit (For external users).
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