Pass value to search help(EKORG) under source of supply tab ME51N in SAP ABAP.


* Find out the parameter id.

    - Goto SE11.

    - Give table name EBAN and click on display.

    - Select the field and double click on data element.

    - Click on further characteristics tab.



* Create implementation for this Badi.

    - Go to SE18.

    - Give Badi name and click on display.

    - Click on implementation and click on create.

    - Give implementation name. Give short text and save.

    - Double click on process item method and write code.

    IF sy-uname 'TRNGAB63'.

- Finally activate the implementation.


* Goto T-code: ME51N.

* Give item number 10 and press enter.

* Click on desired vender search help under source of supply tab.

******************************Thank You***************************


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