MPP for vbak and vbap tables in two screens

                                             Refer: MPP introduction

Step 1: Goto SE80. 

Step 2: Select program and give program name and click on display (If we click on display button it is asking to create).

Step 3: Select create with top include check box and press enter. Give top include name.

Step 4: Save the program.

Step 5: Right click on program name and choose to create and click on screen. Give screen number and press enter.

Step 6: Give short description and choose Dynpro type (Normal screen). Save the screen and activate.
Step 7: Right click on program name and choose to create and click on screen. Give screen number and press enter.

Step 8:  Give short description and choose Dynpro type (Normal screen). Save the screen and activate.

Step 9: Double click on top include and write code related to structure, work area, internal tables. 

Step 10: Screen 1000 has 5 fields that is displayed in same screen as single data. Screen 2000 has 4 fields that is displayed in tabular format.

    PROGRAM zab_mpp_vbak_vbap.
    TABLES: vbak.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ls_vbak,
             vbeln TYPE vbak-vbeln,
             erdat TYPE vbak-erdat,
             erzet TYPE vbak-erzet,
             ernam TYPE vbak-ernam,
             auart TYPE vbak-auart,
           END OF ls_vbak.

    TYPES: BEGIN OF ls_vbap,
             vbeln TYPE vbap-vbeln,
             posnr TYPE vbap-posnr,
             matnr TYPE vbap-matnr,
             matkl TYPE vbap-matkl,
           END OF ls_vbap.

    DATA: lr_vbak TYPE ls_vbak,
          lt_vbak TYPE TABLE OF ls_vbak,
          lr_vbap TYPE ls_vbap,
          lt_vbap TYPE TABLE OF ls_vbap,
          p_vbeln TYPE vbak-vbeln.

Step 11: Double click on 1000 screen number, click on layout design screen.

                * Click on text field and drag give name (VBELN_LA) and text.

                * Click on input/output field and drag and give name(P_VBELN). 


                * Click on 'dictionary/program fields' and give table name VBAK and click on 'get from dictionary'.

               * Choose fields and select ok.

               * Click on push button and drag give name, text, fctcode(FSUBMIT).

               * Click on save.

               * Uncomment the module status under flow logic tab. and double click on it, to Create object.

               * Uncomment the pf status and title bar and give names.

               * Double click on title bar name and create object. Give title bar.

                * Double click on pf status name and create object. Give short description.

                * Expand application toolbar and give name(&ITEM).

                * Double click on name give function text, icon name, information text. Give function code.

            * Save and activate the screen.

Step 12: Double click on 2000 screen number, click on layout design screen.

               * Click on table control wizard. click on continue.

               * Give the name (VBAP) of table control. click on continue.

               * Select internal table (lt_vbap) and work area (lr_vbap) (If we get error pls activate the program).

               * Select all fields and click on continue. click on continue and complete

               * Save and activate the screen.

               * Uncomment the module status under flow logic tab. and double click on it, to Create object.

               * Uncomment the pf status and title bar and give names.

               * Double click on title bar name and create object. Give title bar.

                * Double click on pf status name and create object. Give short description.

                * Expand application toolbar and give name(&HEAD).

                * Double click on name give function text, icon name, information text. Give function code.

            * Save and activate the screen.

Step 13: Double click on 1000 screen number and uncomment the module user command.

            * Double click on module user command and create object.

            * Write code.

      MODULE user_command_1000 INPUT.

      CASE  sy-ucomm.
        WHEN 'FSUBMIT'.
          SELECT single  vbeln erdat erzet ernam auart
            FROM vbak
            INTO lr_vbak
            WHERE vbeln p_vbeln.

        WHEN '&ITEM'.
          SELECT vbeln posnr matnr matkl
            FROM vbap
            INTO TABLE lt_vbap
            WHERE vbeln p_vbeln.
          IF sy-subrc 0.
            call SCREEN 2000.

        WHEN OTHERS.

Step 14: Double click on 2000 screen number and uncomment the module user command.

            * Double click on module user command and create object.

            * Write code.

    MODULE user_command_2000 INPUT.
      CASE  sy-ucomm.
        WHEN '&HEAD'.
          SELECT single  vbeln erdat erzet ernam auart
            FROM vbak
            INTO lr_vbak
            WHERE vbeln p_vbeln.
           IF  sy-subrc 0.
             call SCREEN 1000.

        WHEN OTHERS.

Step 15: Right click on program and create transaction code.

           * Give t code name and short text. and start object dialog transaction. Press enters.

    * Give program name and screen number and click on save.

Total code

INCLUDE zab_mpp_vbak_vbap_top                   .    " Global Data

* INCLUDE ZAB_MPP_VBAK_VBAP_O01                   .  " PBO-Modules
* INCLUDE ZAB_MPP_VBAK_VBAP_I01                   .  " PAI-Modules
* INCLUDE ZAB_MPP_VBAK_VBAP_F01                   .  " FORM-Routines

MODULE status_1000 OUTPUT.


MODULE vbap_change_tc_attr OUTPUT.
  DESCRIBE TABLE lt_vbap LINES vbap-lines.

MODULE status_2000 OUTPUT.

MODULE user_command_1000 INPUT.
  CASE  sy-ucomm.
      SELECT single  vbeln erdat erzet ernam auart
        FROM vbak
        INTO lr_vbak
        WHERE vbeln p_vbeln.

    WHEN '&ITEM'.
      SELECT vbeln posnr matnr matkl
        FROM vbap
        INTO TABLE lt_vbap
        WHERE vbeln p_vbeln.
      IF sy-subrc 0.
        call SCREEN 2000.


MODULE user_command_2000 INPUT.
  CASE  sy-ucomm.
    WHEN '&HEAD'.
      SELECT single  vbeln erdat erzet ernam auart
        FROM vbak
        INTO lr_vbak
        WHERE vbeln p_vbeln.
       IF  sy-subrc 0.
         call SCREEN 1000.



PROGRAM zab_mpp_vbak_vbap.
TABLES: vbak.
TYPES: BEGIN OF ls_vbak,
         vbeln TYPE vbak-vbeln,
         erdat TYPE vbak-erdat,
         erzet TYPE vbak-erzet,
         ernam TYPE vbak-ernam,
         auart TYPE vbak-auart,
       END OF ls_vbak.

TYPES: BEGIN OF ls_vbap,
         vbeln TYPE vbap-vbeln,
         posnr TYPE vbap-posnr,
         matnr TYPE vbap-matnr,
         matkl TYPE vbap-matkl,
       END OF ls_vbap.

DATA: lr_vbak TYPE ls_vbak,
      lt_vbak TYPE TABLE OF ls_vbak,
      lr_vbap TYPE ls_vbap,
      lt_vbap TYPE TABLE OF ls_vbap,
      p_vbeln TYPE vbak-vbeln.

******************************End of top*********************************





******************************Thank You***************************


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