New Keyword in SAP ABAP (7.4+).

* Before ABAP 7.4, we used CREATE OBJECT statement to create an object of the class.

* From ABAP 7.4 onwards, SAP introduced the NEW keyword.

* This NEW keyword is used to create an object of the class.


    REPORT zab_rp_new.

    PARAMETERS: p_input1 TYPE i,
                p_input2 TYPE i.

        METHODS sum IMPORTING pval1  TYPE i
                              pval2  TYPE i
                    EXPORTING result TYPE i.

      METHOD sum.
        result pval1 + pval2.

      DATAlo_object TYPE REF TO a.
    *  CREATE OBJECT lo_object.  " Old syntax
      lo_object NEW a).      " New Syntax
          pval1  p_input1
          pval2  p_input2

          result = DATA(sum)

      WRITE: 'sum is :',sum.



******************************Thank You***************************


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