Introduction to BRF+ Application.

* BRF+ stands for business rule framework plus.

* It provides user interface for defining business rules.

* It enables us to define business rules without the need of writing the ABAP code.

* T-code BRF+ or BRFPLUS.

* In BRF+ terminology, input is called as context and output is called as result.

* BRF+ avoids hardcoding of the values.

* BRF+ avoids creation of custom table and maintenance of custom tables.

* BRF+ allows us to model rules in an effective way and to reuse these rules in different applications.

* The main components of BRF+ application are,

        1.  Application.

            - It is the container for all the objects related to BRF+ like data objects, functions, ruleset, rules.

        2. Data objects.

            - Data objects are the variables. These variables are used to pass the input to BRF+ to process and generate the output.

        3. Functions.

            - Functions are the core component, Where the actual functionality gets be executed.

        4. Ruleset.

            - Inside the function we have a ruleset. Ruleset is container for all the rules.

        5. Rules.

            - Rules are assigned to ruleset.

*****************************Thank You*******************


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