Ways to find the screen exit in ABAP.

********************************1st WAY********************************************
Check in the screen flow logic for the statement CALL CUSTOMER-SUBSCREEN.
1. Go to T-code 'CAT2'.
2.Click on 'system' and select 'status' and double click on Dynpro number.

******************************** END 1st WAY****************************************

********************************2nd WAY********************************************

Put the package name of the program in SMOD T-code (Utilities-find-package name).

1. Go to T-code 'CAT2'.
2.Click on 'system' and select 'status' and double click on program name.
3. Click on Goto - Attributes. (package 'CATS').

4. Goto T-code 'SMOD'.

5. Goto utilities and click on find.

6. Give package name 'CATS'.

7. Execute.

********************************END 2nd WAY***************************************

********************************3rd WAY********************************************

Go to T-code SE84(Enhancements- Customer exits

1. Go to T-code SE84.
2. Expand 'Enhancements'.
3. Expand 'Customer exits'.
4. Double click on 'Enhancements'.
5. Give package name 'CATS'.

6. Click on 'Execute'.

******************************** END 3rd WAY**************************************


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