Write data to a file on Application server

     * AL11 - T-code for SAP Directories.

  Write data to a file on Application server.


    REPORT zajay_file_aplser_write.

    TYPESBEGIN OF ty_zstu,
             zst_id   TYPE zajay_zstu-zst_id,
             zst_name TYPE zajay_zstu-zst_name,
             zst_dept TYPE zajay_zstu-zst_dept,
             zst_fee  TYPE zajay_zstu-zst_fee,
           END OF ty_zstu.
    DATAit_zstu TYPE TABLE OF ty_zstu,
          wa_zstu TYPE ty_zstu.
    DATAlf_student(25TYPE VALUE '/tmp/student.txt'.
    data:     lstr_final     TYPE string.
    DATAlv_fee(10TYPE c,
          lv_id(2)  TYPE c.
    SELECT-OPTIONS s_id FOR zajay_zstu-zst_id.
      SELECT zst_id
              FROM zajay_zstu
              INTO TABLE it_zstu
              WHERE zst_id IN s_id.

    IF sy-subrc 0.

      LOOP AT it_zstu INTO wa_zstu.
        write wa_zstu-zst_id to lv_id.
        write wa_zstu-zst_fee to lv_fee.
    *    lv_id = wa_zstu-zst_id.
    *    lv_fee = wa_zstu-zst_fee.
        CONCATENATE lv_id wa_zstu-zst_name wa_zstu-    zst_dept lv_fee INTO lstr_final SEPARATED BY space.
        TRANSFER lstr_final TO lf_student.


      CLOSE DATASET lf_student.



* Check in AL11 T-code double click on /tmp.

* Right click on last change click on set filter and give date.

* Right click on last change click sort in ascending order.

* Check the file you give in program - student.txt

* Double clicks on file name.


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