Projection view
1. Projection view
* If you want to display the part of data from single database table, it's better to create projection view.
* Projection view is always involving single database table.
* Fetching the data from view is faster than fetching the data from database table.
Steps to create projection view.
* Execute SE11.
* Select the radio button view.
* Provide the projection view name.
* Click on create.
* Select the radio button projection view.
* Enter. Provide short description.
* Provide the basis table.
* Click on table fields button.
* Select the required fields check box. Enter. Save, check, activate.
data: it_zstu type table of zajay_zstu,
wa_zstu type zajay_zstu.
select zst_id
from ZPV_STUDENT " projection view
into table it_zstu.
LOOP AT it_zstu into wa_zstu.
write : / wa_zstu-zst_id under 'Student Id',
wa_zstu-zst_name UNDER 'Student Name',
wa_zstu-zst_dept UNDER 'Student Dept',
wa_zstu-zst_fee UNDER 'Student fee'.
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