MPP - Basic program

 Create a basic module pool programming to print message.

1. Goto se80.

2. Select program from dropdown and give program name and click on create.

3. Select the top include and give top include name and select package and save.

        * Declare input field like this "DATAINPUT(20TYPE C" in top include.

4.  Right click on program and create screen and give screen number and press enter and give short description.

5. Once check and activate the program.

6. Expand screen and double click on screen number.

7. Click on layout select text field and give name.

    * Click on input/output and drag and give name.

    * Create button click on push button and give name and fctcode.

Create button click on push button and give name and fctcode.


    * Click on save and exit.

8. Right click on screen and create screen give screen number press enter and give short description.

9. click on screen 200 and click on layout and design like this using text and push buttons.

10. Click on flow logic and uncomment MODULE STATUS_0100 and MODULE USER_COMMAND_0100.

11.Double click on MODULE STATUS_0100 and uncomment this and give name in upper case SET PF-STATUS 'ZPF_100', SET TITLEBAR 'ZTB_100'.

12. Double click on ZPF_100 and create object and give short description check and active the program.

13. Double click on ZTB_100 and give title and check and activate the program.

14. Double click on USER_COMMAND_0100 and create object and write code.

15. RIGHT CLICK ON PROGRAM AND CREATE TRANSACTION and give short description and initial screen number.



    MODULE status_0100 OUTPUT.
     SET PF-STATUS 'ZPF_100'.
     SET TITLEBAR 'ZTB_100'.

    MODULE user_command_0100 INPUT.
    CASE sy-ucomm.
        CALL SCREEN 200.
      WHEN 'BACK'.
        leave PROGRAM.


    MODULE status_0200 OUTPUT.
     SET PF-STATUS 'ZPF_200'.
     SET TITLEBAR 'ZTB_200'.

    MODULE user_command_0200 INPUT.
        WHEN 'BACK'.
          CALL SCREEN 100..


16. Execute the t code.




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