Help view

 Help View

    * Help view pick the data from left hand side table. Even though there is no match in the right-hand side table.

    * Help view always involve in two data base tables.

    * Help view is used as a selection method in an elementary search help to provide the possible entries from multiple tables.

Steps to create the help view: -

        * Execute SE11. 

        * Select the radio button view. 

        * Provide the help view name. Click on create. 

        * Select the radio button help view. 

        * Enter. Provide short description. 

        * Provide the initial table. 

        * Click on relationships button. 

        * Select the required table check box. 

        * Enter. Click on view fields tab. 

        * Click on table fields. Select each table. Click on choose. 

        * Select the required fields. 

        * Enter. Save, check, activate.


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